Good with words

Fear... distractions.... the efforts of a self-employed writer to pay the mortgage.... all that jazz.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

What can I get for you today?

The trouble with being a commercial writer is that I am on lists to receive EVERYthing. Catalogues for cashmere, worms, horse-riding boots, lingerie, toys and books. Email newsletters for local business, copywriting, marketing, digital media, online marketplaces, toyshops, drinks, gadgets, fine food, children's pyjamas, designer homewares, fashion sites, gossip columns, even skincare science.

It's not fun, especially on a Friday when everyone and his PA is sending out bubbly emails trying to sell you this, that and a spare hat.

On the other hand, it does mean that I know where to buy anything and everything. Maybe I should set up a shopping blog? Questions, anyone?

Today's highlights:
A Snoring Dog from Hawkins Bazaar:

A daffodil-scented candle from Kiarie:

A novel about an eccentric Barcelonan detective:
(won't let me show the piccy - looks good though - find it here)

Plus hiking gear, children's books, 50% off at Laura Ashley, and a giant orgasm (apparently).


  • At 7:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    In all seriousness, your sideline could be a website or blog about 'top 10 offers' being circulated this week...and you know who would advertise it on her website, don't you?


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