Good with words

Fear... distractions.... the efforts of a self-employed writer to pay the mortgage.... all that jazz.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Love, love, love

It's been almost 9 years since I met Steve. That's such a long time that life is inconceivable without him. But it's such a short time when you're in love. It's long enough to get past one another's annoying habits, to step over one another's mess, and reach a sense of live-in harmony. But it's short enough to cherish every weekend together. Long enough for him to understand my odd emotional breakdowns, but short enough for me to fail to understand anything about his job. Long enough to build and share our dreams for the future (who knows which were whose to begin with?), but short enough to have plenty left to look forward to. Short enough to make me light up whenever he calls. I'm a lucky, lucky girl...


  • At 3:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You are so fortunate to have Steve, to be able to put into words what he means to you and to have found this so young, Anna.

    I found it very late in life but it gets better every day. I'll just go hug him now.

  • At 7:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    another photo!


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